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In our magical forest, we receive retreats, workshops, experiences, residences, and groups that seek an unique and extensive space


Nossa visão é a de oferecer um ambiente de cuidado, cura e inspiração para qualquer um pronto para explorar o seu máximo potencial como ser humano: vibrante e espiritual.

Todos os retiros e workshops estão focados no despertar da intuição, da sensibilidade e do nosso verdadeiro ser, através de uma visão ousada de novas possibilidades.

Fazemos parceria com equipes de facilitadores excepcionais de todo o mundo, centrados nas áreas de cura, artes, e permacultura. A nossa intenção comum é de aumentar a consciência do corpo-alma-coração e os cuidados com o planeta. 

Meet Mariri and what we offer for your retreat

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Perfect places powered by Cerrado energy


We offer activities and moments of connection with you and nature

The magnificent nature of Mariri Jungle Lodge sets a tone for reflection, relaxation, creativity, and silence. Our sanctuary is located in pristine forest that is being preserved through sustainable projects ​​ focused on nature conservation, healing and the arts. You are welcome to bring your own skills and suggestions to add to the care of our refuge, or simply enjoy this retreat and learning opportunity. 



Built on the pillars of permaculture and bioconstruction

We are attentive to every detail to create an amazing experience


Looking for a place for your retreat?

Are you an instructor, therapist, course organizer, or work in spiritual development and looking for an amazing retreat location?


Learn more about retreats that have already happened in Mariri!


Our retreats are based on the following principles:


Permaculture and Bioconstruction

Sow & Renew


Ritual Dance
& Live Music

Expression of the Heart
and of the Soul



Healing through creativity & arts


yoga and tantra

Cleansing & Rejuvenating


conscious gastronomy

what do you eat

We are open to partnerships that bring groups related to the above practices

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MARIRI JUNGLE LODGE | CNPJ 50.290.721/0001-51 | ROD GO-239, KM 20, CEP 73.770-000 | Zona Rural, Alto Paraíso - GO

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